Cryo Electron Tomography Application Note
This application note presents TESCAN's workflow for cryo electron tomography utilizing Leica tools with an FIB (focused ion beam) SEM (scanning electron microscope) system.
Cryo-electron tomography (Cryo-ET) is a method of studying molecules, macromolecular complexes and cellular ultrastructure. One disadvantage of this technique is the specimen’s thickness and quality. In addition, the introduction of artifacts during sample preparation can influence results. To overcome these concerns, a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope can be used to prepare fine cryo-electron tomography samples. With the FIB-SEM, on-grid lamellas thin enough to transmit electrons are prepared without cutting artifacts, which supports successful TEM analysis and tomography.
Please see the link below for the full application note courtesy of TESCAN.
Cryo Electron Tomography with FIB-SEM: A leap into the ultrstructure of biological specimens